The Original Space and Missile Defense Distinguished Civilians Wall (1996 - 2004) was located in the SDMC Hallway of the Second Floor at 106 Wynn Drive, Huntsville, Alabama. The new ASMDA Wall of Honor is now located in the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. It is located between the ticket booths and the Intuitive Planetarium. It is a touch screen display with all the biographies of the Wall of Honor inductees.The ASMDA Wall of Honor Committee is responsible for drafting and releasing the bi-annual nomination announcements, managing their assigned budget, making sure the nomination opportunities are properly advertised to eligible nominating organizations, collecting nominations, and reviewing and recommending selections to the ASMDA board.
The purpose of the Air, Space, and Missile Defense Association Civilian Employee Hall of Fame Wall of Honor Program is to honor past members of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command; the PEO Air and Missiles Defense; Missile Defense Agency, Missile and Space Intelligence Center; and NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center.
Wall of Honor selections are made to honor selected civil servants who have made a significant technical, management, and/or administrative contribution to the research, development, test, and evaluation of air, space, and missile defense technologies and/or systems. These people selected are individuals that have maintained a level of commitment to the nation's Air, Space and Missile defense mission which went well beyond that required.
The Original Space and Missile Defense Distinguished Civilians Wall (1996 - 2004) was located in the SDMC Hallway of the Second Floor at 106 Wynn Drive, Huntsville, Alabama. The new ASMDA Wall of Honor is now located in the Davidson Center at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center.
Within 14 days of the presentation of the Wall of Fame inductees, the chairman of this activity will provide a paragraph, and possibly pictures to the ASMDA President and the Website Committee Chair for publication on the ASMDA website.
The selection process for the Wall of Honor Program is available on the ASMDA website.