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The ASMDA Nominations Committee is responsible for maintaining a current roster of the Association Officers (Section 2.2), active Board Members (Section 2.1), Board of Trustees (Section 2.3), and all ex-officio officers and Board Members. The Nominations Committee is also responsible for preparing the slate of candidates for all vacant offices for presentation to the Board for approval. These vacancies may occur regularly at the end of their term as well as any vacancies that may occur out of cycle such as resignations or other changes.

It is customary for the President and Vice President Officers to serve for 1-year terms and alternate between an industry/academia representative and a government representative. The Vice President is customarily nominated to be the President the following year. There is no limit on the number of times an individual may serve in these positions, although it must rotate on an annual basis, with no customary provision for immediate succession in either President or Vice President.

It is also customary for both the Treasurer and Secretary to serve as ex-officio members of the Board and to serve for multiple terms consecutively, but still nominated for each successive term.
