Deputy to the Commanding General, Army Space and Missile Defense Command / U.S. Army Forces Strategic Command, and today’s guest speaker Lieutenant General David L. Mann, Commanding General of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command / U.S. Army Forces Strategic Command. The special guests included Ms. Carrie Suggs, representing Senator Shelby; Ms. Lisa Montgomery, representing Senator Sessions, Lieutenant General Joe Cosumano, Lieutenant General Kevin Campbell, Lieutenant General Richard Formica, all former commanders of SMDC; and government Senior Executive Service members.
Outgoing ASMDA President Mr. Al Kemmet
In his opening comments, Mr. Al Kemmet, 2015 ASMDA President, recognized the Association's myriad corporate sponsors and the important role they play in maintaining ASMDA's active role in community support. He also recognized the strategic partners of ASMDA: the National Defense Industrial Association-Tennessee Valley Chapter, and the Air Defense Artillery Association. Many times the challenges are too big for one organization, so during the past several years, the local area trend has been to co-sponsor events and causes. Mr. Kemmet stressed, “It is a real pleasure to work with organizations like the National Defense Industrial Association Tennessee Valley Chapter and the Air Defense Artillery Association.” Mr. Kemmet mentioned, “Many times, the challenges are too big for one organization; so, during the past several years we have co-sponsored several events and causes -- working together to benefit the Tennessee Valley and Team Redstone.”
Mr. Kemmet also stated that as ASMDA completes its 21th year, “we can be very proud of the role that ASMDA plays in advancing a common understanding of the vital importance of space and missile defense systems to our national defense. He explained, “the Air, Space, and Missile Defense Association was formed in 1995, right here in Huntsville, as a non-profit, non-political educational and scientific organization with the mission to promote the security of our Nation by providing programs and support for activities that contribute to advancing the vital importance of air, space, and missile defense systems.” He also mentioned, “our objective is to foster communications and relationships between government activities with responsibilities for, or interests in air, space, and missile defense; local government organizations; and local industries.” He referenced the
Mr. Kemmet also referenced the ASMDA's tremendous 2015 accomplishments:
- Inducted six new members into the Space and Missile Defense Distinguished Civilians Wall of Honor as part of the Space and Missile Defense Symposium: Dr. Robert S. Becker, Dr. Wernher von Braun, Alex A. McCool Jr., James B. Odom, Robert J. Schwinghamer, and Dr. Emst Stuhlinger.
- Provided sixteen full scholarships (one Space Camp Team) for ages 9-11to attend the USS&RC Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. This year's winners included children from Huntsville, Colorado Springs, Washington DC, Kwajalein Atoll, and Alaska.
- Awarded $20,000 in College Scholarships as part of the Space and Missile Defense Symposium:
- Awarded four $4,000 academic scholarships from the ASMDA "Loretta Spencer" College and University Scholarship Program, and
- Awarded a $4,000 General Dodgen Memorial Academic Scholarship.
- Co-sponsored with NOIA spring and fall Adventures in Engineering to promote personal interest in science and engineering. ASMDA brings local area 11111 graders onto Redstone.
- Arsenal to see the kind of science and engineering work being accomplished on a daily basis. This year, ASMDA hosted 745 students and educators from 37 area high schools from across north Alabama and southern-middle Tennessee.
- Presented thirteen Space and Missile Defense Technical Achievement and Service Excellence Awards at the 2015 ASMDA Annual Membership Luncheon for both government and contractor employees (including team awards) in recognition of exceptional achievement in the development, test, and deployment of air, space, and missile defense systems.
- Tri-sponsored with NOIA and ADA the 15111 Space and Missile Defense Symposium. Theme: "Integrated Air, Space. and Missile Defense in 2025 and Beyond.
- Supported USASMDC/ARSTRAT NCO and Soldier of the Year Program, the Army Birthday Celebration in both Huntsville and Colorado Springs, and USASMDC/ARSTRAT.
- Lunch at the ALISA National Symposium in Washington, DC.
- Provided support to the Huntsville City Schools Summer Cyber Camp.
- Provided over $8,000 in grants to support community veteran efforts to include the Madison County Veterans Memorial Foundation (proud sponsor of the Korean War Black Granite Marker and the Coast Guard Flag), Still Serving Veterans, Gold Star Shadow Boxes, Huntsville's Veterans Day Parade band participation, and Wreaths for Veterans.