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Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2020

Subject: Gold Star Service Banner Presentation Thank You

To ... all ... involved in the presentation of the Gold Star Service Banner (please forward if I have missed anyone):

What an extraordinary week! . . . The presentation to me of a beautiful shadow box with a Gold Star Service Banner embroidered with my brother David Kink’s name . . . the emotional dedication ceremony for our Gold Star Families Memorial Monument, attended by an estimated 600+ Gold Star families and supporters.

My feeling is difficult to describe. It’s the sensation of being lifted up, and at the same time, anchored fast by a community whose devotion to honoring our military members and our precious fallen runs deep. 

I am especially proud to know that 51 years after losing his life to the war in Vietnam, my 19-year-old brother David is still remembered and honored.

The sun has set six times on the Monument that binds all of us who were part of this extraordinary week, in this extraordinary place. There will be more Gold Star families who will find comfort in the Monument, and who will be honored with a Gold Star Service Banner. They will know that those they loved and lost will always be remembered, thanks to your devotion and your kindness.

I am so grateful. Never forget.

sister of Warrant Officer David Robert Kink
C Troop 1/9th Cavalry June to July 1969
Killed in Action August 3, 1969