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The Lieutenant General Larry Dodgen Memorial Scholarship Fund in coordination with the ASMDA will select one college student to receive a $4,000 Scholarship Award.  Award will be made in August during the annual Space and Missile Defense Symposium.

Eligibility Requirements

  • U.S. Citizen
  • Scholarship is available to: Active Duty Army Soldiers, Army Reserve Soldiers, and Army National Guard Soldiers currently working for or assigned to: the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USASMDC); PEO Missiles and Space; U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM); the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation & Missile Center (CCDC AvMC); the Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC); the Missile Defense Agency (MDA); and the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). Spouses and children of these soldiers are also eligible
  • Must be enrolled in a degree producing, college-level program in the fall at any level (College Freshman through Graduate Studies) at an accredited college or university
  • Student in good academic standing

Application Procedure:

Provide the following three documents to the Scholarship Committee:

  • A brief (not more than one page) biographical sketch that includes:
    • Full name, address, phone number(s), and email address where you can be contacted
    • How the applicant meets scholarship eligibility requirements above (be specific as to how the applicant meets all the above eligibility criteria; be specific and address each point directly)
    • Awards received
    • Community service involvement
    • Organizations and activities in which the student is actively involved
    • Where financial need exists, please explain in a short paragraph
  • A copy of the student’s latest transcript (official copy from the institution but it does not have to be mailed by the university or high school (in the case of new college freshmen)
  • A one-page essay that describes the student’s area of study and how this will prepare them to be a productive member of society upon graduation

Selection Criteria:

  • Must meet all eligibility requirements
  • Level of academic achievement
  • Financial need
  • Demonstrated leadership and community contributions
  • Enrolled in a degree producing program in an Accredited College or University as a Freshman thru Graduate Level (any Degree Producing Program) for the Fall academic year
  • Potential to make a contribution to society upon graduation (based on essay)


  • Submit all application materials by June 30
  • Selection will be made and the awardee notified the week of July 25
  • Award will be made in August during the annual Space and Missile Defense Symposium.

Application Materials should be mailed or hand-carried to:

Intuitive Research and Technology Corporation
ASMDA LTG Larry Dodgen Memorial Scholarship Selection Committee
ATTN:  David Poehlein (Committee Chair)
5030 Bradford Drive
Building 2, Suite 205
Huntsville, AL  35805