Presented 11 Space and Missile Defense Technical Achievement and Service Excellence Awards for both Government and contractor employees in recognition of exceptional achievement in the development test, and deployment of air, space, and missile defense systems during the ASMDA Annual Membership Luncheon on 21 February 2019.
Provided 16 full scholarships (an entire Space Camp Team) for 9-11 year olds to attend USS&RC Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. This year's winnders included children from Alabama, Alaska, California, Kentucky, Louisiana, and the Kwajalen Atoll.
Co-sponsored (with NDIA and ADA) the 20th Space and MIssile Defense Symposium, Huntsville, Alabama, 6-8 August 2019.
Awarded $24,000 in College Scholarships: Five $4,000 academic scholarships from the ASMDA "Loretta Spencer" College and University Scholarship program and one $4,000 General Dodgen Memorial Academic Scholarship.
Co-sponsored (with NDIA) Adventures in Engineering (AIE) event in October. To promotepersonal interest in science and engineering, ASMDA brings local area 11th granders onto Redstone Arsenal to see the kind of science and engineering work being accomplished on a daily basis. This year, ASMDA hosted over 350 studens and educators from over 20 area high schools from across north Alabama and southern middle Tennessee.
Provided over $2,500 during 2019 in grants to support community veteran efforts to include Huntsville's Veterans Day Parade band participation, and Wreaths for Veterans.
Updated organization website
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